White Plumed Honeyeater

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narly's picture
White Plumed Honeyeater

Have a few of these in the backyard , bitmore shy than the rest of the mob , so this is the best pic so far .

Araminta's picture

Hi narly, where I live, I have never seen one before. Looks very interesting, are they that white, or is that because of the bright sunshine? Very nice photo!


narly's picture

Hi Araminta , not that white at all . They are predominatly olive geen to grey . I pot them from the lounge room window but as soon as I walk out the door there gone .



Good shot narly. We have about ten that regulary visit out yard. They dont fly out now when we go outside. They are bringing their young here too. They are funny to watch when the new hollands are in the yard as well, im sure they both think they own the yard.

Araminta's picture

Hi narly,Cath and Shane, now that I found them in S&D, and I know they are not that white,I can tell you, I DO HAVE THEM ! Quite a few. Because yours looks so white, I thought it was a different kind of Honeyeater...hmm..


sparrow's picture

good shot,the only honey eater in my area i can't get a descent photo of they just move to fast for me,seeing your photo gives me the encouragement to keep trying, well done

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