Bird Identification Gold Coast Please

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The Norseman
The Norseman's picture
Bird Identification Gold Coast Please

Hi All,

I hope one or some of you can help me. Over the last two days I have been dog walking in a park on the Gold Coast. Both times I have been followed by a bird for most of the duration of my walk. I have not been able to identify it.

I have attached a picture that I took yesterday. It is quite a vocal bird that makes a loud screech. It seems very interested in watching me and my dog and has swooped at her a couple of times. I have never seen a bird like this on the coast (I've been here for 4 years) and I hope it is ok.

Thank you in advance.

HelloBirdy's picture

It appears to be a Pheasant Coucal in breeding plumage :)

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

The Norseman
The Norseman's picture

Thank you very much :) 

Elsie's picture

I'll second that! A reason that it could be swooping your dog is that it might have a nest, but maybe it's just curious :)

Woko's picture

I'd say it's defending its territory which, at this time of the year, probably includes a nest. 

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