Bird rediscovered in Brazil after 75 year disappearance

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zosterops's picture
Bird rediscovered in Brazil after 75 year disappearance
oconnore51's picture

That is an amazing story, and such an extraordinary looking bird, only 12 or so birds still there. Thanks for the link.


Woko's picture

Wonderful, intriguing article, zosterops. Thanks.

I strongly suspect that one of the key strategies for conserving the Blue-eyed Ground Dove will be not only to secure its habitat but to restore & extend it, too. This will need to be done with as much haste, care & secrecy as possible before rapacious humans descend & drive this beautiful bird to extinction.


amazing, back from the dead with virtually no habitate.  Lets hope someone in power recognizes the importance of it.   

Ipswich Shire Eastern flanks

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