Brisbane birding

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valfitzgerald54's picture
Brisbane birding

Hi from Canada.

I am travelling to Australia for vacation & would like to know where are the best places to bird watch in Brisbane. I'll be there for 6 weeks & I'm dying to see parrots & what ever there is available.

Can some of you suggest where are good birding areas?

Thank you!!!

HelloBirdy's picture

Have a look at the ebird map to give you an idea of what to see where- zoom in and click on the points and will give you information about the birds that have been reported.

I have heard a lot about Oxley Creek Common. I think there are a few people on this forum from around there so I'm sure they can give you more advice.

I have to say though, if you want to see parrots, Canberra is the place to go!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

oconnore51's picture

I found this old post by using the search button. I am not from Brisbane but it seems very helpful!

And there were more, if you want to search as well.


abulharith3's picture

Also try out Berrinba Wetlands in the city of Logan. Easy walking paths and plenty of birds

Devster's picture

Mt Glorious is fantastic this time of year.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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