My 8yo daughter found this egg shell on the way home and has been asking me to find out what bird it belongs to (I tried to google search but failed) it's larger than the pigeon eggs we are used to finding.. in this picture she is holding it. Also was found along next to the foot path and road in Logan SEQ. any help would be great
I'm all fresh out of answers, but it does look a little similar to the one on this website cassie.
Pleasing to read in this blog too, that this mum contacted a couple of museums and they were more than happy to oblige with a few possibilities as to the original owner of the eggshell. I thought that was really lovely
, & very encouraging for kids when adults (strangers) don't mind going out of their way to help.
West Coast Tasmania
Thank you so much for the link. so far the best looking match would be welcome swallow, there is a building near where she found it so that may be the possible ex-owner of this egg.. I will show her the link tomorrow so she can have the final vote
Hi there, looks a bit too big to be a Welcome Swallow egg? Unless this is a very small hand holding it? In my opinion it looks more like a duck eggs? Wood Ducks perhaps?
A quick measurement of the egg would probably help this situation.
as you said cassie it is larger than pigeon egg, could be a Purple swamphen they are blotched and spotted.
any way good luck, keep us up to date.
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
hmm your right it's too large for a swallow, there is not water near so I can rule out duck or swamphen.. I went back today to see what birds are around and other than the swallows there was crowns, ravens ,pigeons and noisy miners so I'm now thinking maybe noisy miner? I can't measure now as my darling 1yo found it and now its in four pieces
Is there any other nests nearby that you could describe to us? Anyone with a Slater or Morcombe field guide would be able to look it up... I just checked mine and found two possibilities, Torresian Crow and Blue-faced HE. The crow's egg is about 45x30mm and makes a simple, but messy stick nest... whereas the Honeyeater makes a hanging basket nest and it's egg is about 32x21mm.
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Hi Brandon, I tired looking for a nest but couldnt see one. there was only a few trees near where the egg shell was found, some jacaranda that were almost bare and one thick green unidentified tree. I guess my only hope is I will have to keep checking back and see if I spot any young birds around lol