Early appearances

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Woko's picture
Early appearances

Very early appearances of (three) dusky woodswallows, usually late spring & (seven) yellow-tailed black cockatoos, ditto.

Also, plenty of water in local dams has meant plenty of water birds including a white-eyed duck, only the second observation I've made of this species in these parts in 25 years.

ScottTas's picture

I love having seasonal visitors - there's always something to look forward to.

I've only seen groups of 2-3 YTBC around our place, but over the last few weeks there's been a flock of 16 around. I guess they'll divide up again to breed soon??

I'm awaiting very eagerly the return of Swift Parrots to Tas. I saw one group of about 15 whizz over my backyard last season, so I'm hoping for better this time! We'll see!

PS - is a White-eyed Duck a Hardhead? If so, I LOVE them - very handsome ducks.



Sheilsmail's picture

Heard first Koel on Monday this week 13 August at Sackville North (NSW Hawkesbury). Is this early?

pacman's picture

ScottTas wrote:

PS - is a White-eyed Duck a Hardhead?

yes, the drake has a white-eye


Woko's picture

The 7 yellow-tailed black cockatoos are daily visitors at the moment. They're loving the Banksia cones on the plants I put in about 15 years ago. I just love the mess they make on the ground, an indication of the attraction of the plants for them. I wonder if they use any of this mess in their breeding hollows.

pacman's picture

Woko wrote:

The 7 yellow-tailed black cockatoos are daily visitors at the moment.

i'm just waiting for your pics of these visitors wink


Holly's picture

It is a touch early - i have had my ear out as I suspected they would be showing up any time now. It used to be the first weekend in September around Sydney.

Woko's picture

Yesterday, 22nd August, not one, not two but three Horsfield Bronze Cuckoos. The whole place was going cuckoo!

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