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Holly's picture

Hi all, can't believe I forgot to post this till now! Birds Australia has EagleCam happening again this year. We have a couple of cameras on a Sea Eagle nest at the Birds Australia Discovery Centre at Sydney Olympic Park. There are 2 chicks doing remarkably well (even in that horrid wind recently). Unlike last year when one killed the other, both are now about 4 weeks old and getting lots of feathers.
There is footage on the Birds Australia website for anyone who can't get there to see them in the flesh (so to speak).
Go to: http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/the-organisation/eaglecam.html

Tazrandus's picture

Yes! And my goodness they look adorable. I'll probably pop back for a visit sometime during the holidays to see how they're going.

I like my EagleCam cap as well :)

Woah, nature can be scary when choosing the fittest to live (if not sibling rivalry.. well they're sort of the same thing really) Hope both these chicks make it through this year!


birdie's picture

Wow that is amazing footage to see Holly. looked pretty windy on some of the video clips that is for sure!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Holly's picture

Well the eaglets are not the tiny little fluff balls they once were! They are now almost the same size and mum and dad and practising their flying techniques (which can be quite scary to watch).
There was an article on them in the herald today: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/when-baby-eagles-dare-we-will-be-watching-20101017-16p6j.html

Tazrandus's picture

Wahhh I just saw on Channel Ten news that the tree with the eagle's nest collapsed D: But it's good to hear that the two chick have been developing very well though. Hope they start rebuilding soon.
By the way Holly your talk last September was really informative, although I haven't seriously considered getting a nest box yet but I've got all the info and your handouts were very helpful. Wish I could stick around and talk to you more. I was the quiet short kid so I don't think you'd remember lol
Fwaaah the eaglets are so big now...


Holly's picture

Oh it made Channel 10 news! I heard it was going to be on channel 7 but I missed it.

Such a shame that the nest has collapsed but hopefully the birds will stick around in the woodland and build again. The siblings are still spotted around the place regularly which is great.

Glad you enjoyed the talk too - you will have to come back out and pay us another visit :)


Tazrandus's picture

Glad to hear the family is still hanging around the place.
I'll definitely pay you guys a visit again :) though it would have to be after my exams at the end of this year.

Oh wait it could have been channel 7, it was in the afternoon though (4:30). I think it was as it was around 5 when I saw it. My bad.

Must take a lot of work to rebuild such a big nest.


Araminta's picture

Hi you quiet , short kid, unfortunately I missed all of this, I don't watch much TV , I wish, if anything is on TV, it would be good, to let all of us know in advance please! (I'm a reader and like to tell and listen to stories , and like music. So, TV is not on my list )


Tazrandus's picture

lol can't blame you, Araminta. Even with a growing number of channels, there's never anything good on TV. In fact, it was my dad who saw it on the news first and called me. That was all serendipity ;)
But you can still see the original clip as well as the other video clips of the sea-eagle siblings growing up in the link Holly gave in the first post of this topic :D


Holly's picture
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