Golden Whistler

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Natty53's picture
Golden Whistler

I'm a relative newbie to bird identifications - although I love watching all the birds in our 3 acre block of land. For the past couple of weeks, we have had a pair of Golden Whistlers flying the circuit of our house all day every day, starting their song (noisily)at about 5.15am & continuing all day until dark. They take it in turns to fly at the same one of our windows from a nearby tree. In 27 years, they have never been in our yard before. We live in the Wide Bay area, our yard is fairly wooded on the edges, but is quite dry. Where they are flying around is an open lawn and near the house. It doesn't seem like their usual terrain. About a half-kilometre down the road is a smallish area of rain-forest. Is it possible that the birds have relocated from there? What are they doing - marking out their territory? What sort of trees do they nest in? We do have a couple of cats (who are always kept in at night). Are any other birds their enemies?

Gelmir's picture

G'day Natty53, and welcome to the forums.
Golden Whistlers are great birds. The male has such a great sound.

There is a great utility on the frontpage of this site that you can use to find out information about various different bird species. Here is the link for Golden Whistlers.
The below quote is from the above linked page regarding their habitat.
[i]The Golden Whistler can be found in almost any wooded habitat, from rainforest to mallee, but prefers the denser areas. Occasionally it visits parks and orchards.[i/]
It seems possible that the rainforest section could be where these guys have come from.
Hope this helps.

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