Minimum cmera for bird photography.

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Thommo's picture
Minimum cmera for bird photography.

I'm not that keen on photography and don't wish to spend the dollars needed to get "great" shots, so is there a cheaper option?

A couple of years ago I bought a binocular/camera cheap on ebay but never tried the camera bit. The 'puter I loaded the driver onto has gone to silicone heaven and I can't find the USB cable anyway. Anyone tried them? Do they work?

Thanks, Thommo.


Gidday Thommo, mate thats a new one for me I have never heard of them.
When I first started I just had a cheap digital with optical zoom and it went alright for a while until I got the


I should add Thommo that for me its not all about the "best" shot although it is nice to sometimes get one.
My enjoyment comes from capturing a bird and shareing the experience with others on here that might not have the same oppurtunities to see that bird in the wild.
I love seeing other peoples pics to and hearing about where they saw it etc etc, such as Birdies Catbird to mention one of many.

Thommo's picture

These are 5 megapix:

Thommo's picture

BryanT's picture

Hi Thommo,
You should be able to download the photos from your Digital Binocular Camera into your computer, even without the manufacturer's software. Mostly compatible with Windows. The 5.0 Mega Pixel might able the use SD card, which you can remove from the camera and download the photos through a card reader. If you take photos with the internal memory of the Camera, you should be able to get a compatible data cable through USB from any electronic/electrical shops.
You also might want to try to download the related software from the manufacturer's website.
Hope these help.
BTW, Digital Binocular Camera is quite interesting thing, although not enough for professional photography purposes, it's very good item to have for bird watching.
I might get one one day when it getting higher resolution and focus. :)
Happy birding.


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