Mother Blackbird

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birdsafe's picture
Mother Blackbird

This is my first letter.

We love and appreciate the birds of every size and colour that graciously share our our yard with us. Last year there was a very young blackbird that appeared one day, not really old enough to be flying solo. I protected her and had slighly one sided conversations.

This year she has built her nest in a hanging basket right outside our kitchen and sunroom. We have to pass by her rough twig and leafy home to get to the backyard.

I feel so priviledged to have her trust, I think instinctively that she knows she has never been safer.


Araminta's picture

This is a very lovely letter birdsafe. There are two things, I don't think the blackgird was flying solo, as you call it. She must have had parents somewhere. Baby blackbirds sit on the ground quietly, not moving, waiting for the parents to come and feed.(that is their best defense )Now, she definately is not flying solo this year, as she must have found a mate! It is beautiful to have her build a nest close to you. You should take some nice photos, when she starts sitting on the eggs, and when her babies will be fed!! Good luck, M-L


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