Naughty Striated Pardalote!

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koalagrrl's picture
Naughty Striated Pardalote!

I have a gorgeous little pair of pardalotes in my garden - very cheeky and easily approached. They seem to be considering making a nest in the reservoir of one of my "self-watering" flower pots (I even found one of the birds scrabbling around inside the base of a flower pot yesterday). I'm not worried about the plants, but it isn't really safe for them - if it rains, the nestlings could drown. If the pot dries out too much and gets too light in weight, the strong easterlies could blow it over. Has anyone had success in encouraging pardalotes into a nest box or similar?

Andy's picture

Hi Koalagrrl,

How lovely to have pardalotes in your garden.

If the pardalotes haven't already laid eggs, perhaps you could remove the flower pot until the pardalotes stop hanging around? Or perhaps you have too many flower pots.

That's an interesting question about the nestboxes. Pardalotes generally nest in tunnels in mounds of dirt or creek banks, so I'm not sure what type of nestbox would appeal to them. I'm guessing you've already tried an internet search for "pardalote nest box"?

If I was in your situation I would remove the flower pots if possible.

Keep us updated.


GregL's picture

We have striated pardalotes around, I hear their call all day, they do love to call. I think its best not to worry about these things too much, it all works out in the end, maybe next time they will learn to find a better nesting place. just let nature take its course.

koalagrrl's picture

I've discovered that a lot of the "fuss and feathers" in the garden is that I have not one, but two little pardalote couples. Mr & Mrs Y Pardalote are just as keen on moving in as Mr & Mrs X Pardalote - and they sit on the hanging baskets and argue the case all day! I can't believe they are so bold, they let me approach within a metre of them. It's really not a very safe nesting site, with me and my dogs hanging about.

Having tried all sorts of other nesting alternatives to tempt them (nest boxes, bark boxes, even a bit of polypipe), I've decided "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Have carefully removed the plant from the pot and some of the soil, covered it over with plastic so it can't get weighed down with water, and stuck a dead branch in it so they can perch there. Mr & Mrs X Pardalote seem very happy. Mr & Mrs Y are still miffed.

Can't believe my luck! They are just gorgeous, and I've managed to get some terrific photos.

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