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daggert's picture

We get Boobooks out here (Toodyay WA) and hear them often during the night.
My question is where do they sleep. I just assumed they roosted during the day in sheltered parts of trees and the like, but I have never seen one during the day. It's not for the lack of trying, and I know that they must roost in places where they are well camouflaged but after 4 years here I would have liked to see one during the day.
Do they use hollows for roosting as well as nesting.
If any one knows likely places to look I would be grateful.

soakes's picture

I have wondered this myself. I have heard boobooks too, and I assume there are other types of owl and tawny frogmouths around, but I have never seen one. According to my reference books they perch in sheltered trees during the day where they are well camouflaged.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

cookie's picture

I have seen frog mouths in the most open of perches during the day, presumably relying on camouflage, also in some very 'urban' areas. On the other hand the only other owls I have been able to find, actually I stumbled across them, were three Boobooks in a very dense casuarina. They are apparently our most common owl.

I would be very appreciative of any information about Powerful owls if you have knowledge. Thanks

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