currawong attack 30/09/10

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george's picture
currawong attack 30/09/10

i may have put yesterdays incedent in the wrong group. never mind the currawong came back today ,i had just brought obi [cockatiel] in side looked out and currwong was sitting on fence, no bird in a cage to attack so he attack all the doves nests in the trees ours and neighbours. and they tell me butchbird are worse .

Araminta's picture

Hi george,Currawongs are mad birds sometimes. We get one (don't know if it's the same one?)that comes in spring and pecks (himself?)in the windows on the roof of our house for hours on end.With those huge beaks,I'm always worried about it braking the glass.But then again,we have a little male Wren,doing the same.My windows aren't even shiny, I'm not a mad cleaner!


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