I can't see any problem with your subscriptions. Is it possible that your email spam blocker is rejecting them? Have you checked in your junk email folder?
Yes I have checked with big pond and on my outlook junk mail and they are not there. it was working till a few days ago.The last one I was sent was 27th Feb. I am wondering about Big pond too, a few strange things have happened recently.
Not sure birdie - I will investigate it for you.
I can't see any problem with your subscriptions. Is it possible that your email spam blocker is rejecting them? Have you checked in your junk email folder?
I find that I sometimes dont get notifications for a while, then I get about 4/5 in one hit.
Yes I have checked with big pond and on my outlook junk mail and they are not there. it was working till a few days ago.The last one I was sent was 27th Feb. I am wondering about Big pond too, a few strange things have happened recently.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I've experienced the same thing as daggert from time to time.
They have started working again. Haven't done anythingn different at this end
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Actually I just checked and it is only some threads that are working. This one isn't. I didn't get a notification.
Sunshine Coast Queensland