Help with ID please

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allansonerson's picture
Help with ID please

This little bird was handed into Wildlife Rehab Centre where I volunteer on Sundays. Even the founder of the centre Gill, is not sure what it is. About the size and shape of a Fairy-Wren and is not self feeding yet. Sunshine Coast area in Queensland and would appreciate any help. Thank you.

Willskrills's picture

It looks like a varied sitella to me.


Araminta's picture

Looking at the shape of it, and you thinking it is as small as a Wren, it could also be a Brown Thornbill?  It has a lot of yellow shining through on the chest.

I'm no wildlife carer, there are a few members on here, they might know what it is? But does it matter? Don't you feed Wombaroo to baby birds? Or do insect eaters get something different?

Sorry, I can't help morecrying


allansonerson's picture

Many thanks and photo through cage has that eye ring which the V.S. has. I have no idea and been through bird book many times without luck. Cheers.

Elsie's picture

It looks to me like it could be a young Blackbird? At least in that first photo, blackbirds have that yellow eye ring and a yellow beaksmiley

timrp's picture

I was thinking a blackbird too but would they be that small?

allansonerson's picture

Thank you Araminta and the Brown Thornbill would be very close for size and shape and the chest colouring. It is being fed meal/meel worms and loves them. Curiosity is why I am asking as I like to know who the little ones are whilst they recuperate.

Cheers and thank you.

dwatsonbb's picture

My thoughts were fledgling Starling, and as Elsie Tim point out Blackbird. If it is very young, the size might be right, the beak does not look good for a Thornbill.

Hopefully not Blackbird or Starling, as they are unwanted guests, well at our place anyway!

I am sure there will be others along with a better ideas and more experience than me.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

allansonerson's picture

I think size and area would rule out Blackbird. One of my books, Wildlife of Greater Brisbane does not list them and another Birds of Australia by Jim Flegg has them only as far north as the Vic/NSW border. Appreciate all help as it rules some out and some in. Many thanks.

dwatsonbb's picture

Blackbirds are on the March, Morcombe has them as far north as northern NSW, while unlikely in Queensland, I did read something where the government (QLD) was asking for the public to be vigilant for this invasive species, but of course, now I can't find that link.

Edit; while I could not find the link, I have a screen shot from an app called "Pest Animals" showing there have been reported Blackbirds in Queensland, still not convinced your bird is a blackbird, or starling for that matter, but it is possible!

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Woko's picture

Hey, Willskrills. I'm interested to know why you think it's a Varied Sitella.

Araminta's picture

Well, I don't think it's a Sitella, they have an upturned beak. Any of the other suggestioms are slightly larger birds. One of the Thornbills would seam more likely. But should it be a little bit bigger , does it look like this?

The bird in the photo is a Yellow Robin Baby, but do you have those up your way? And your bird has a yellow beak, and my Robin doesn't. I guess we will have to wait until it grows more. Now that it eats, that will happen.


allansonerson's picture

I think you are spot on with Yellow Robin as we have them here. Your photo is very similar. Many thanks for your help.

Elsie's picture

Yes! Good call M-Lyes It really does look like a Yellow robinsmiley

Lachlan's picture

I thought blackbird too.. Lucky Araminta came along with the photo of the baby Robin; looks perfect to me too. 

Woko's picture

You can have an early minute, Araminta.

Araminta's picture

I just found a photo that shows it even bettercheeky


allansonerson's picture

Great shot and that is definitely the bird I fed last Sunday. Thanks again for your help. Cheers.

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