Another Guess That Silhouette With Hashy Time!!

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Hashy57's picture
Another Guess That Silhouette With Hashy Time!!

Good Day Everybody! =)

Hope you have all been well here at the Birds in Backyards Forum!

I have another silhouette of a prey bird that I would really love some help with identifying (to be fair, ill go through my book first and see what I can make of it before reading your replies hehe), this time from my home town in the Lower Blue Mountains!

Let me know what you all can make of it! Thanks a bunch, and as always, keep watching the skies! hehe.

Might want to save it to your computer and zoom it in a little. Sorry that it isn't as good as my first "silhouette". Terrible lighting today =p

Hashy57's picture

Heres the link to the photo, sorry it didn't work right away, I have terrible luck with linking photos on this forum sorry =)

Here's my one from last year as well, which you all helpfully made the identification of being a 1st Year Whistling Kite. It had me stumped for sure haha
First Year Whistling Kite, Atherton Tablelands, Far North Queensland.

Tazrandus's picture

The forked tail suggests maybe a black kite?


berldo's picture

I would second the Black Kite identification.

Hashy57's picture

Thanks, and yes I agree with the Black Kite ID. I remember seeing one about this time last year, different part of the gully, doing the same thing I was doing, looking for little reptiles hehe. I had found a Dragon of some description, and then I was rather worried that I may have inadvertently pointed it out to the Black Kite.
I was able to ID it from memory, because I didn't have my camera, by its underside colour scheme and markings. First time I had ever seen one, and never knew they existed before that. Guess I should read the Simpson & Day I've had only my entire life a little more closely ;)

Thanks again, and glad to share with you all =)

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