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Meave's picture

Took this one down at the Gold Coast today - can't make up my mind what he is. Has white eyebrow, orange head, no stripes on his head or his chest - tail not long enough for tawny grassbird, and we only have the one picture. I'm inclined to cisticola except for the eyebrow - don't think that it is a stick across the picture.

Andy's picture

I would say that that is definitely a Golden-headed Cisticola. Either a male in breeding plumage (no streaks on head) or a female.

To me, the white stripe does appear to be glare (or whatever the word is) from something else in the picture, rather than an eyebrow. But even if it is an eyebrow, I would still say G-h Cisticola.

Good catch - they're often difficult to photograph!

Meave's picture

Thanks Andy, I did prefer Cisticola as my option, but couldn't make up my mind.


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