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GumLeaf's picture

Can anyone tell me what this bird is? It was taken in my parents' backyard at Millaa Millaa on the Atherton Tablelands. I thought, perhaps, that it is a White-browed Scrubwren but bird books say that their eyes are light cream whereas this one has pinkish eyes.¤t=DSCN0873.jpg

birdie's picture

HI Gumleaf

Nothing coming up. Don't forget to use the correct forum code around the URL. [ plus img then ] no spaces then close the url with [/ then img then ]



Sunshine Coast Queensland

GumLeaf's picture

Sorry, I'm new at this - let's see if this works ...

birdie's picture

Looks like a white browed scrub wren to me. Others will confirm or deny I am sure :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Andy's picture

I would say White-browed Scrubwren, too. It has pale eyes (not black eyes) that are pretty close to cream :-)

Lovely photo.


bushbirdnerd's picture

You also have an atherton scrubwren which is found in a limited range up your way, but your photo is probably a white-browed. I think the main points of difference are the paler eye ring, and lighter more prominent 'streak', and darker eye patch (all on the white-browed). Do you think you have any atherton scrubwrens up there?

Oxalis is not my friend

GumLeaf's picture

Thanks all for getting back to me.

As for the Atherton Scrubwren, I haven't seen them near my parents' house but have seen them at Lake Eacham which is about 30kms away. Unfortunately didn't have a camera with us at the time.


QLDBird's picture

My Uncle and Aunt live up in Millaa Millaa. I love lake eacham as i saw a riflebird there. Do you live up there as well?

GumLeaf's picture

I live not too far away in Cairns. I've only seen a female riflebird once at Wongabel State Forest walk near Atherton. I'd love to see the male.
However, one bird I did get excited about, which I saw at Millaa Millaa Falls, was a chowchilla. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera on me at the time though I don't think I would have been quick enough to take a pic of it.

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