distinctive yellow circle around eye, like a big bell bird or figbird

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Birdsinwavereley's picture
distinctive yellow circle around eye, like a big bell bird or figbird

THis afternoon near waverley park I spotted a bird that was a bit bigger than an bell miner and the feathers on the back were green/olive.  It had a distinctive yellow to orange eye patch.  It flew into a grevilla, hung out there for a while and then flew onto a wire overhead.  It looked quite like a figbird but its eye patch was not red.  Thoughts? 

Holly's picture

Maybe a juvenille Blue-faced Honeyeater?

Araminta's picture

Maybe a "Noisy Miner"?  Looks like this one:


Birdsinwavereley's picture

This is it!  Thanks.

Birdsinwavereley's picture

It was a juvenille Blue-faced Honeyeater.  But we do have plenty of noisy miner birds about as well.

birdie's picture

Glad you found it Margie .... here is a pic to show anyone else interested.... this pic shows both the juvenile and the adult bird.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

JessMess's picture

What a stunning photo!

I've never seen them this close, beautiful. I have started seeing them about up here in Darwin though which is exciting!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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