i have photographed a couple small birds playing in the speargrass by a small creek in southern kakadu NP. The birds i found were small arond 10cm shades of brown with red legs and beak? However when i viewed my photos some weeks later i found that there is a bird that is the same size but rather blue in colour? the photos have not been enhanced but cropped slightly as the birds were at a far distance.
Any help to id eather of the birds that would be great.
help to ID small birds from Kakadu NP
Fri, 18/02/2011 - 00:53

help to ID small birds from Kakadu NP
well it doesnt look like anyone can help me here, does anyone know of another website that i might be able to get some help to id these birds?
My guess: a golden-headed cisticola?
Hi lil666dvl, sorry, if people don't answer sometimes, it doesn't mean,they don't want to. As I live in Victoria, and other members might live somewhere else in this beautiful country full of wonderful birds, not everyone has seen all the birds, that are posted. To give a short answer, "I have not seen those birds before", and that's why I can't tell, what they are! Sorry,didn't want to offend you.
An apology from me too lil666dvl for not responding. I am a little out of my depth too.
I think they look 'honeyeater'-ish but I will consult my field guide tomorrow and try to come up with an answer for you.
about the one with the blue wings, i looked through my shole field guide and couldnt find anything that looked nearly like it.
the first ones look gerygone-ish but really cant tell
Cheers, Owen.
i mean my whole field guide. LOL
Cheers, Owen.
TO me it looks kind of thrush like but then again i could be completely wrong.
TO me it looks kind of thrush like but then again i could be completely wrong.
Actually Taz I think you may be right with the cisticola.
Owen, I don't think the wings are blue, I think it is the angle of the bird and the light hitting it - I think that is the white chest. I thought it was blue initially as well.