a test

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ed's picture
a test

I know what this is, but I think it's a good one to test your skills. Any ideas? Taken on the Townsville Town common march 07.


booshkie's picture

It's got me stumped. At first I thought reed warbler.

The posture is quite like a Red-capped robin, though its clearly not an adult male. And I'm not sure if you get them in Townsville...


ed's picture

The posture had me stumped on first sighting. 'clearly not an adult male' is a good start. definatly not a reed warbler picture below is..Towncommon March o7, Lumix FZ30.

[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2030/2218621318_d9685f201a.jpg[/img]

Ed Townsville NQ

cupladaze's picture

Hello Ed

You've got me with that one and I'm almost a local. Once a bird is not an adult, i'm usually in trouble - not enough experience.

Tail is too long for a Mistletoebird.
Juvenile black-faced or spectacled monarch maybe, but it looks too small.

Good idea Ed, I'd been thinking along those lines myself.


ed's picture

ok, a clue, it is an adult male, in transition between full and eclipse plumage.

Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

Booshki and John

Still playing? Any ideas?

Ed Townsville NQ

booshkie's picture

I do keep looking at the original and now i don't know if it's familiar as something I might know or familiar because I've looked at the photo so often!

I might have to wait for the answer on this one.


cupladaze's picture

No idea Ed

You better tell us.

ed's picture

I'm really glad I have this picture of our mystery bird with his dad (maybe)...

[img] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2185/2241869558_69f2b725ea.jpg[/img]

not sure you would have believed me if I had not.

Ed Townsville NQ

booshkie's picture

Is it a red-backed fairy wren?

If so, the position of the tail is very offputting.


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