Anyone have time for a short survey?

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bigmackbirds's picture
Anyone have time for a short survey?

Would anyone please have some time to do a short survey about magpies in your backyard? My daughter has a project for her TAFE course to do a short survey on a topic that interests her and she chose her favourite bird, the magpie. I would be very grateful for your time and interest.

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [ ] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you know what they eat? yes [ ] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [ ] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [ ] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [ ]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [ ] no [ ]

Male [ ] Female [ ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [ ]

Thank you so much for your time, Alyson

Echidna's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [Y] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [Y] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [Y] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [Y] no [ ]
Do you know what they eat? yes [Y] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [N]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [Y] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [Y] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [N]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [Y] no [ ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [Y] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [Y] no [ ]

Male [ ] Female [Y] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [Y]

birdie's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes
If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes
Would you encourage them to come? yes
Do you or would you feed them? yes
Do you know what they eat? yes
Would you build a habitat for them? no
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes
Are you afraid of magpies? no
Have you been a victim of swooping? no
Do you understand why they swoop? yes
Do you think they harm birds or pets? no

Male [ ] Female [x ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [x ]

this is my reply Alyson

Sunshine Coast Queensland

timmo's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes
If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes
Would you encourage them to come? yes
Do you or would you feed them? no
Do you know what they eat? yes
Would you build a habitat for them? no
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes
If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes
Are you afraid of magpies? no
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes
Do you understand why they swoop? yes
Do you think they harm birds or pets? no

Male [X] Female [ ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [X] 41+ [ ]

P.S. Can I say that I AM afraid of swooping ones when I'm on my bike. I HATE getting swooped. The ones around the streets here and in my yard have always been fine though.


Windhover's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes
If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes
Would you encourage them to come? yes
Do you or would you feed them? no
Do you know what they eat? yes
Would you build a habitat for them? no
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes
If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes
Are you afraid of magpies? no
Have you been a victim of swooping? no
Do you understand why they swoop? yes
Do you think they harm birds or pets? no

Male [X] Female [ ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [X] 41+ [ ]


Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [ ] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [y ] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [y ] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [n ]
Do you know what they eat? yes [y ] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [y ] no [ ]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [y ] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [y ] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [n ]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [y ] no [ ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [y ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [ ] no [n ]

Male [ ] Female [ ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [x ]
Might I add I am not much over

Thank you so much for your time, Alyson

Angela's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [x ] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [x ] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [x ] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [x ]
Do you know what they eat? yes [x ] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [x ]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [x ] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [x ] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [x ]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [ ] no [x ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [x ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [ ] no [x ]

Male [ ] Female [x ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [x ]

Thank you so much for your time, Alyson

bushanwater's picture

Would anyone please have some time to do a short survey about magpies in your backyard? My daughter has a project for her TAFE course to do a short survey on a topic that interests her and she chose her favourite bird, the magpie. I would be very grateful for your time and interest.

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [x ] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [x ] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [ ] no [x ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [x ]
Do you know what they eat? yes [ x] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [x ]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [x ] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [x] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [x ]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [x ] no [ ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [x ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [x ] no [ ]

Male [x ] Female [ ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [x ]

See Yez

rosaliathorn's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [x] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [x] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [x] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [x]
Do you know what they eat? yes [x] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [x]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [x] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [ ] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [ ]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [ ] no [ ]

Male [ ] Female [x] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [x] 41+ [ ]

heva1's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes
If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes
Would you encourage them to come? yes
Do you or would you feed them? no
Do you know what they eat? yes
Would you build a habitat for them? no
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes
If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes
Are you afraid of magpies? no
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes
Do you understand why they swoop? yes
Do you think they harm birds or pets?no
Female Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [ x]

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

scruffydude69's picture

All yes except being afraid & do they harm stuff. Sorry i did it the lazy way.Male a young 43!.bye


scruffydude69's picture

Do i get a free magazine subscription ? ahhh kidding!!


fluffywren's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes
If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes
Would you encourage them to come? yes
Do you or would you feed them? no
Do you know what they eat? I know a bit
Would you build a habitat for them? yes
Do you know what habitat suits them? no

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes
Do you have other birds come? yes
Are you afraid of magpies? no
Have you been a victim of swooping? no
Do you understand why they swoop? yes
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes
Female [ ] Age 13-18


Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [Y ] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [Y ] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [ ] no [N ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [N ]
Do you know what they eat? yes [Y ] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [N ]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [ ] no [N ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [Y ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [Y ] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [N ]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [ ] no [N ]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [Y ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [ ] no [N]

Male [ ] Female [F ] Age 13-18 [ ] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [x]

al's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [x ] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ x] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [ x] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [ x]
Do you know what they eat? yes [ x] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ x] no [ ]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [x ] no [ ]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [ ] no [ ]
Do you have other birds come? yes [x ] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [ x]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [ ] no [ x]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [x ] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets?yes [ ] no [ x]

Male [ x] 71+ [ x]

Tazrandus's picture

Do you want magpies in your backyard? yes [x] no [ ]

If yes: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [x] no [ ]
Would you encourage them to come? yes [x] no [ ]
Do you or would you feed them? yes [ ] no [x]
Do you know what they eat? yes [x] no [ ]
Would you build a habitat for them? yes [ ] no [x]
Do you know what habitat suits them? yes [ ] no [x]

If no: Have you seen magpies in your yard? yes [x] no [ ] (slightly confused here but I'll answer all of the questions just in case)
Do you have other birds come? yes [x] no [ ]
Are you afraid of magpies? yes [ ] no [x]
Have you been a victim of swooping? yes [ ] no [x]
Do you understand why they swoop? yes [x] no [ ]
Do you think they harm birds or pets? yes [x] no [ ]

Male [ ] Female [x] Age 13-18 [x] 19-40 [ ] 41+ [ ]


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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