Kookaburra diet

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cfolbigg's picture
Kookaburra diet

Has anybody seen kookaburras eating anything but meat, yesterday I picked a spoiled tomato off the vine and threw it into the yard. A kookaburra came down and proceeded to beat it to death and then ate it. I threw another one and the kookaburra picked it up and flew off with it. I always thought kookaburras were strictly meat eaters.

Woko's picture

Hi cfolbigg. As far as I know, the laughing kookaburra is feeds on a variety of animals & insects. I haven't heard of them eating tomoatoes before but if a tomato contained a worm it would be fair game, I guess.

From what I've read the blue-winged kookaburra has similar food preferences to the laughing kookaburra.

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