Mamgpie Eye Issue ?Avian conjunctivitis

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FrankMac59's picture
Mamgpie Eye Issue ?Avian conjunctivitis

We have a largish Magpie group who have included our small acreage in their territory. One of the seemingly dominant members has developed an eye problem, initially in one eye and now affecting both. It is flying OK and looking otherwise well.  It has progressed and there also could be some involvement of the top of the head and base of the beak.

FrankMac59's picture

Sorry - forgot to ask for suggestions as to what if anything we can do to help this bird.

Elsie's picture

That looks quite nasty. They look a bit like tumors or some kind of a fungi infection. I don't have any advise about what you can do to help this bird, but you should keep and eye on the rest of the flock incase others start getting it. 

I'm sure there are others on the site who can give you some more help.


FrankMac59's picture

Thanks Elsie. I agree it does look a bit tumour-like but the time frame suggests it isn't. So far none of the others appear to be affected but this bird is more comfortable with us up close so I can't be as sure of the status of the others.

Elsie's picture

I have been thinking alot about your magpie and wishing I could offer some better advice. There is an infection called poxvirus that affects magpies and it can look a bit like what your magpie has got. I was wondering if you already know about it? I will do some reading and see if I can find anything helpfulsmiley

Woko's picture

Hi FrankMac. Have you thought of emailing your photo to a vet for comment?

FrankMac59's picture

Hi Woko - yes I have but my long time friend who is a vet is not really into a lot of avian stuff, hence I thought I would try here first. That is still an option. However, having picked up on the earlier post from Elsie about Magpie pox virus, I think that has nailed it from what I have subsequently read. If Elsie's suggestion is correct, this bird will either make it or not. Given that we are coming into winter then the mozzies numbers should be down and the chance of infection in the others in the gang will also be reduced. We live in hope! There was a YouTube video I watched with Dr Ross Perry on this condition. At least this bird is not as bad as his patient.


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