Minor Baby Question?

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Sarahhatzi's picture
Minor Baby Question?

Can somebody please help me!!
I'm all new to this.
On Friday evening I found ( now only after google I know this ) a baby minor fledgling. I thought he was injured and moved him quickly from the yard so my dogs wouldn't get him.
He is so cute and I felt sorry for him.

Again after reading from google, I realised this is normal and he was learning how to fly.

I thought I was doing the right thing my giving him water and bread, which now I know is a big no no, I feel terrible!!!!! I'm just trying to save him.

I have read that I should have put him in a safe spot near to where I found him and his parents will continue feeding him.

It's now Saturday night, I still have him inside and he is doing very well even after his water and bread. Is putting him back outside now in a safe spot too late? Would his parents still find him and look after him?
I have the little one - I have now called fledge. In the study with the window open, he was chirping today and I noticed adult minor birds flying just out near by, obviously trying to find him, which makes me think his parents will still look for him.

Can anybody please tell me what to do? It will be greatly appreciated, as he is so adorable and I just want him to make it.

Regards Sarah.

Sarahhatzi's picture

Please someone reply to my minor baby question.
Thank You.

Beef's picture

another member will give you some good advice as soon as they can i'm sure you won't have to wait too long.

Araminta's picture

I know it's very late now, I don't know where you live, but all areas have numbers you can call for "injured wildlife". Even if the bird is not injured , they will know what to do. Or ring your local vet, and ask for the number of a wildlife carer in your area. Let me know what happens. No point in thinking about what should have been done, try and help now. Good luck.


Sarahhatzi's picture

Oh that's ok,
Gosh, I'm guessing, but I think the noisy, sorry for being vaige. He i s just so cute and I feel sport for him, even though they are pests.

Sarahhatzi's picture

Thank you, I rang my vet on Friday when I found him. They told me to call the RSPCA, they were no help to my situation. Should I call wires do you think?

Sarahhatzi's picture

I'm in Sydney.

Araminta's picture

Hi,if the bird is still alive, WIRES would be the one to call.


Holly's picture

Hi Sarah


Sorry I didn't see this over the weekend. Yes fledglings sometimes leave the nest a bit early and, whilst they look like they are in trouble, mum and dad do keep feeding them. In Sydney there are 2 groups you can try - WIRES and Sydney Wildlife Rescue. One of them will definitely be able to sort something out for the little one (here is from our FAQ section): New South Wales: Call WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service) on 13 000 WIRES or 1300 094 737, or Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Service Inc. 9413 4300.

Sarahhatzi's picture

Thank you everyone for your help - greatly appreciated.

I had a response from a website I found also and she told me to put the fledgng back near where I found him in a safe spot and his parents will hear his cries for food.

I woke up at 5.30am as I had read thats when the birds awake, and put him in a safe spot. I dp hope this was the right thing to do!

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