Need help identifying this shore birds (SEQ) sorry about photo quality :(

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sedie's picture
Need help identifying this shore birds (SEQ) sorry about photo quality :(

I know this is a long shot considering the pictures (especially the third) but I might as well try my luck. I'll add a description to hopefully further help haha.

1st and 2nd picture - this bird was seen in Victoria Point Qld. It landed on the sand bay by iteself as it was solo for a short period of time before flying off and was rather small.    Sharp Tail or Curlew Sandpiper Maybe????? 

3rd picture - Seen Wellington Point, QLD. These birds seemed to be constantly flying back and forth as I saw them fly past on about 5+ occasions within about a 15minute period. 

4th picture - Seen at Nudgee Beach

Steven.McBride's picture

Red-necked Stint, Whimbrels & Pacific Golden Plover.

Devster's picture

I agree with Steven

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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