An Olive Brown Bird

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An Olive Brown Bird

I live on the s.e. slopes of the Mt Lofty Ranges in SA. Today, for about 4 seconds, I had a bird in view with the following description:

Generally olive brown, the size of a white-plumed honeyeater, perhaps slightly larger, & with a longer, pointed tail. Two distinct marks on the wing, one black, the other white. It seemed to be rather dark around the face, perhaps a black eye & bill, but this could have been caused by shadow. It was in the lower branches of a Silky Oak Grevillea robusta above our array of bird baths & bowls. It didn't pause to bath or drink but flew directly & swiftly away.

Any & all help in identifying this bird will be gratefully received, rest assured, as our place is alive lately with new & rare visitors as well as other interesting things. E.g., today I also had a clear view of a Fan-tailed Cuckoo (now a rare visitor) as well as 17 Striated Pardalotes.


Sorry I cant help you Woko , but thats a very good description you have given so I hope someone will be able to.

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