Raptor ID please

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windshear's picture
Raptor ID please

Hi Guys,

Firstly, sorry for the quality of these. I was busy watching a Sea Eagle when this one swooshed overhead, and did a quick lap before disappearing. 

Bird was located at Chambers Flat - south of Brisbane. The area is around a river, but it's mostly cattle pastures around the area.

Any ideas?

rawshorty's picture

Looking at the banding on the wings, the shape of the head and length of tail i would say Swamp Harrier.

Shorty......Canon gear



Lachlan's picture

It looks a bit ratty around the edges. I wonder if it has been in a fight with something recently?

Wouldn't it be more likely to be a goshawk/sparrowhawk, with the fine barring on the wings?

Maybe immature Brown Goshawk?

windshear's picture

Lachlan wrote:

It looks a bit ratty around the edges. I wonder if it has been in a fight with something recently?

Wouldn't it be more likely to be a goshawk/sparrowhawk, with the fine barring on the wings?

Maybe immature Brown Goshawk?

I wondered about that too (the fight) - the park where I saw this is home to a family of Black Shouldered Kites, and there was a sea eagle flying around while I was there. From memory there have been past sightings of other raptors as well, so it's a definite possibility.

Had another look through the photos I got, and found another one which might be helpful, that I missed the first time.

Lachlan's picture

The barring makes me pretty sure it is an immature Goshawk or Sparrowhawk. Although, perhaps the wings curve a bit too much and in the wrong places to be accountable for damage?

However, I'm still not sure which one- the pair are nigh on impossible to separate. 

The general size and shape of it suggests (to me) Goshawk, but is there any chance you could post a closer crop of just the head?

windshear's picture

When I get home tonight I'll see what I can do. 

al's picture

I'd say a 2012 Gos or Spar, leaning towards a moulting Gos

windshear's picture

About as good a crop as I can get.

Wish it had stuck around for a bit longer

Thanks for the assist guys. :)

---'s picture

Collared Sparrowhawk from me.

windshear's picture

Not sure whether this adds anything - from looking at the various descriptions I have the options, I can't make a definite assertion. I was down at the same park on Monday afternoon, and saw what I believe to be the same raptor circling around carrying a snake (roughly 2-3ft long) in its talons. It was quite overcast, and unfortunately it was a long way off over the river, so the photos I took don't really add anything to the ones I already posted. 

Not sure if the snake would help eliminate any possibilities.

Canonguy's picture

Definitely a mouling hawk and I would suggest Brown Goshawk after seeing the closer head shots. I will ask Steve Debus for help with this one.

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