Red-browed Finch Breeding

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Woko's picture
Red-browed Finch Breeding

A couple of days ago 8 red-browed finches visited our bird bath on the s.e. slopes of the Mt Lofty Ranges, SA: 2 adults & 6 young. This is the first breeding record of this species I've noted on our property. And it's the longest this species has remained on our place after the warmer weather sets in. Usually the red-browed finches have headed for the cooler, higher areas of the  Ranges by this time of the year.

The other species which has also remained into summer is the grey fantail which have bred for the second time in my duration here.

Araminta's picture

Congratulation Wokoyes All your hard work is beginning to pay off.


pacman's picture

congrats on both successes


Woko's picture

Thanks, folks. It's paying off in spades or whatever gardening tool I happen to be using at the moment.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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