Sigma 10-20mm

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rawshorty's picture
Sigma 10-20mm

I have a Sigma 10-20mm that is designed for 1.6 crop factor camera's.

Today i thought i would play with it on my 1Diii ( 1.3 crop ).

No surprise that there was vignetting but if you crop the pic to a pano you get rid of the corners and of course the vignetting. It gives me the 35mm equivalent of a 13mm super wide angle lenssurprise

Makes for some interesting shots, this one taken at about 400mm from the Swan.


Lachlan's picture

Is that Lake Burley Griffin? It's Swans are terrifyingly friendly. 

I'd been looking at a 15mm lens (22mm on my APS-C), mostly because it didn't have so much of the distortion of some of the 10mm odd zooms. Interesting that the Sigma lens doesn't seem to be exhibiting much distortion; I though it was pretty much unavoidable at those focal lengths. Sigma's lenses have been getting extremely good lately, I hope the camera brands don't throw a spanner in the works to disrupt their compatibility to save market share. 

How bad was the vignetting on the original photo Shorty?

rawshorty's picture

Lachlan wrote:

Is that Lake Burley Griffin? It's Swans are terrifyingly friendly. 

I'd been looking at a 15mm lens (22mm on my APS-C), mostly because it didn't have so much of the distortion of some of the 10mm odd zooms. Interesting that the Sigma lens doesn't seem to be exhibiting much distortion; I though it was pretty much unavoidable at those focal lengths. Sigma's lenses have been getting extremely good lately, I hope the camera brands don't throw a spanner in the works to disrupt their compatibility to save market share. 

How bad was the vignetting on the original photo Shorty?

Yep, LBG. At 10mm it is pretty bad, at 20mm not so.

Distortion depends on proximity.

Here is one @10mm but the buildings are back a bit.


Shorty......Canon gear


birdie's picture

I have the 10 - 20 Sigma too and find it works best at about 15  to avoid vertical distortions, but there are times that it is good to get a bit of distortion effect too in landscapes with no obvious verticals. My biggest problem is that when I am out in the field a bird usually shows itself when I have this lens on  and not the 150-500  ........ and not  a large bird at 400ml either laugh  I use the 600D so I think that is 1.6 crop factor

Sunshine Coast Queensland

rawshorty's picture

birdie wrote:

 My biggest problem is that when I am out in the field a bird usually shows itself when I have this lens on  and not the 150-500  ........ and not  a large bird at 400ml either laugh  I use the 600D so I think that is 1.6 crop factor

Yes, this happened to me yesterday. A Wedgie was flying next to the city and i could not get the 150-500 on quick enough to get a proof shotsad I assume he was there for the Fruit bats.

Yep your 600D is 1.6 crop.

Shorty......Canon gear


sparrow's picture

I have a Tokina 12-24 and I know its a given that something will fly past whenever its on the camera , thats just the way of things.

Distortion can be a problem on a lot of lenses not just the wide angles and is easily fixed in photoshop.

Beautiful shot Shorty ,very peaceful and tranquil

birdie's picture

Now you have me interested with that comment Sparrow ...... I am not very knowledgeable in Photoshop and this sounds like something I would be  keen to learn. Shorty I cant believe you were able to get so close to that swan .... I would be terrified.... the lens makes everything seem so far away I am conitnually looking over it to double check when I am trying to get something close. I nearly ended up with a bee in my face once laugh  Like driving mirrors they should have a warning .. "things seem further away than they are !!!"

I took this at 10 ml and didn't think the distortion was too bad .... what do you think? I am not good at architectural verticals or anything blush  It seems to be different according to the relationship between the angle of the camera and the subject ... I don't know the name of that but I mean the perpendicular angle ...sorry for the lack of technical words !!!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

sparrow's picture

I wouldn't touch this one Birdie looks good ,I even like the the little 5 pointers at the edge its a great  image .

yes a straight on image is a 4 click fix but throw in a bit of angle in the shot and it gets a wee bit harder to make it look right.

I recommend everyone should do a basic photoshop course ( you know why ) if you husband asks what happend to the money just stare at him and say "you didn't notice" and watch the panic on his face !

birdie's picture

Ha ha Sparrow..... my hubby would notice and so would I believe me .... I will just have to make do with tutorials online for the time being. Thanks for looking at this  ....  I thought this was OK but then when I looked at the exif I saw it was done at 10ml and wondered how the hell I managed to get them straight!!!  I did a few that were not straight and  I find that about 15ml  works well for me in most landscapes.  The five pointers were as a result of a long shutter and using f16 of course.... I was pretty happy with them and the fact that they did not blow out too.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

rawshorty's picture

Thanks, Sparrow and Birdie. Yep the Swans are friendly due to people feeding themangry

I was holding my camera at water level so not looking through the viewfinder.

Great shot of the Story Bridge, Birdie. I only use the 10-20 if i don't have much room, for landscapes i prefer to shoot multiple shots and stitch them together in Photoshop.

This is an old shot i took with my 350D and 18-55mm.

15 shots in portrait.


Shorty......Canon gear


birdie's picture

That is fantastic Shorty..... I just do not know anything about stitching and that is another thing on my list as the ultra wides push the middle way out and leave no detail .  Of ccourse you were holding the camera lower..... I forgot about that option ..... I do that in live view too with insects and things.... just never found a bird that was co -operative enough to use it laugh

I still have an 18-55 but it has a bit of fungus in it so I am reluctant to use it on my new camera body

Great shot once again .... where was it?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Lachlan's picture

Yuck, fungus! Hate the stuff. Feel sorry for your poor lens. 

Can you do HDR and stitching in Lightroom? I managed to get a copy of the current version cheap, but can seem to find if HDR is possible on it. Photoshop is a real pain to use, I'd rather play around in Lightroom. 

rawshorty's picture

Thanks, Birdie. It is Lake Eucumbene with the Snowy Mountains in the background.

Fungusfrown throw it in the recycle bin NOW. That crap can spread into all your gear.

Lacklan, short answer no. In photoshop go to file-new-photomerge (pano for pano or exp for HDR) the programme does everything for you, it really is that simple. I then put the pic in lightroom for final adjustments.

Shorty......Canon gear


birdie's picture

rawshorty wrote:

Fungusfrown throw it in the recycle bin NOW. That crap can spread into all your gear.

Lacklan, short answer no. In photoshop go to file-new-photomerge (pano for pano or exp for HDR) the programme does everything for you, it really is that simple. I then put the pic in lightroom for final adjustments.

Thanks Shorty and yes... that is what my local Teds legend told me .... his words were it is made up of spores ... do you want to sread that through all your gear?????    Oops blush so I don't use it any more. Queensland special ...fungus in anything and everything. I tried to buy some silica gel but couldnt get it anywhere.

I will chek out the stitch feature in CS3

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Lachlan's picture

Thanks for the tip with photoshop. Hope my version has it; it's getting no a bit. It seems a bit odd that Lightroom won't do it though, as it claims to be a superior photo management tool... frown

Lachlan's picture

Thanks for the tip with photoshop. Hope my version has it; it's getting on a bit. It seems a bit odd that Lightroom won't do it though, as it claims to be a 'superior' photo management tool... frown

Birdie, keep an eye in packets of things that you buy. All range of things have little sachets of the stuff, just check for the little white packages sysing things like 'Dessicant- DO NOT EAT'. Then bung it in with your camera gear in a sealed container. Perhaps as a stopgap measure something like rice would work until you got some of the silica? You'd have to watch it carefully though to make sure it didn't start going nasty. 

Maybe you could send the lens in to be cleaned if the fungus isn't too bad? It would be awful to have to chuck it in the bin!

rawshorty's picture

Shorty......Canon gear


birdie's picture

Lachlan I am told it is noto worth it to do so... they are just old kit lenses so better off buying a new one anyway. Thanks foir the link Shorty .... I had been doing what Lachlan suggested and saving little sachets..... I take a few meds and some of them have excellent little containers of it inside !!!! My BP pills have a little flat disc and it is just great yes

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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