Southern Boobook

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Araminta's picture
Southern Boobook

Taken this afternoon in a friend's stables.It was very difficult, the bird was sitting in a dark corner, hidden behind some rafters. Anyway, I got about 20 photos, but because the bird didn't move much, only turned the head to look at me, one looks a bit like the nextsurprise

Araminta's picture

just one morewink


dwatsonbb's picture

Looks a bit grumpy, beautiful and thanks for posting

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

kerry's picture

great shots there, thanks for sharing


kerry's picture

great pics  there thanks for sharing


Araminta's picture

I'm posting one more. I am very proud of those photos. The first time I have taken photos of any kind of Owl. Taken in difficult conditions, with good results. (I think blush) The chest feathers of the Boobook are not blurry, they do look like that. Owls have those kind of feathers, that's why they can fly silently.

(just some small details: Shutter speed was 1/25 ,   Iso 1600 , no flash  , handheld. Changed the exposure compensation)


sue818's picture

Great shots and the difficulty probably made it all the more satisfying  sue

Chris F
Chris F's picture

Well done M-L, love the grumpy shotslaugh

I'm guessing the bird is used to people being in and out - probably took exception to intense scrutiny, almost as if it is saying

"oh, and what do YOU want, can't you see I need my rest. Just go away and leave me in peace"

Beautiful Bird!


Araminta's picture

I'm not sure the bird is used to people being in and out. To protect the bird, the area has been fenced off, and will only be opened again when the bird moves out. Only people they trust can have a look, not many others even know there is a Boobook, and I'm not going to tell anyone either. Where I live, there is a Powerful Owl and a Barking Owl in the bush, I know the trees they are in, but I don't go there either, nothings warrants to bother those birds. We only stayed in the barn for a few minutes. Good photos or bad photos, the birds are more important.


narly's picture

Fantastic , how wonderfull to get some shots of an owl yesyes


kathiemt's picture

Well done and lucky girl!  Great shots.

Selby, Victoria

Araminta's picture

Thanks guys, we will go back there tomorrow. The bird might sit in a better spot to take photos? Although for him/her, that is a good spotsurprise, away from people with cameraswink


---'s picture

I heard one of these last night and remembered this topic M-L. Excellent photos,much better then the other ones I saw online.

bibby's picture

Oh wow! He/she is absolutely magnificent! How lucky of you to get to visit and get some great photos.

North Central Victoria

Annie W
Annie W's picture

How did I miss this?  What a magnificent looking bird - I never knew Boobooks were such a beautiful rich golden colour.  Thanks for sharing M-L, lucky you!

West Coast Tasmania

cassie.c87's picture

WOW! I love these pictures! s/he sure does look grumpy but that just adds to the pictures. yes

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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