*Special Challenge* - City Slickers

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*Special Challenge* - City Slickers

*** UPDATE March 13th - Thanks to everyone who sent me photos for the special challenge, they have been absolutely brilliant so far! If you haven't had a chance to get yours sent in, don't worry the deadline has been extended to April 7th now! I am loving all of the incredible submissions and thought it would be fun to just include as many as possible (more is better, right!?).  The idea is to let this special website post/newletter section encourage other people to get involved with Birds in Backyards and appreciate the wonderful ways our birds share our spaces with us. Happy snapping :)


Hi everyone,

I've been so impressed by the photos you've shared in this forum that I thought it might be fun to share a little further and try a new challenge for those of you who are interested in participating.

I recently received an e-newsletter from an overseas birding organisation and in it they had a special feature on the best images that capture "city slicker birds". Inspired by this, we'll be running a special Aussie version photo challenge over the next month, with the results published on the Birds in Backyards website with a feature piece and link from our April 2017 newsletter. We're looking for your photos that really capture birds in urban spaces - from the concrete jungle of the city right out to your backyard.  Think about inspiring our budding backyard birders or photographers to see the wonder of birds in our human-dominated spaces. Some may be beautiful and unnoticed, others detested but still fascinating.

To give our readers some background and a story on the photo, some of the details (not necessary all!) to include could be:

  • What is the species, where did you take the photo, and what time of day was it (if relevant)? The bird doesn't have to be Aussie, but the location must be.
  • How did you capture this shot, how long did it take you, and what did you have to do to prepare or was it good luck?
  • Most importantly, what makes this a good example of a bird in an urban space? - Is it the behaviour the bird is undertaking? Or perhaps the location? Maybe it's an unexpected visitor to the city? Or even a bird in your backyard using your space in a characeristically (or unexpectedly) urban-adapted way?
  • And of course, who is the photo credited to?

The rules:

  • DO NOT post your submission in this forum, rather email your photos and text directly to me: monica.awasthy@birdlife.org.au
  • Max 1 photo for each photographer - take your time and choose your best!
  • Please limit your text to 5 lines max but the shorter, the better
  • The deadline for photos is April 7th

Any questions can be posted here or email to me. I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!



 and   @birdsinbackyards
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