Stumped. Honeyeater, Cuckoo? Seen in Mildura.

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Stumped. Honeyeater, Cuckoo? Seen in Mildura.

OK, so I'm not a totally inexperienced birder and I lived in Mildura for 3 years, but on a recent visit I saw this bird and I am stumped. It was up in red gum scrub on the bank of the Murray. At first I thought it was a honeyeater of some sort (it was that sort of medium size, - Blue-cheeked sort of size), but the bill is pretty straight, then I thought it might be a cuckoo, but I can't find anything to convince me what it is. I'm guessing it is a female, but I'm just not sure.

Sorry the photos are pretty poor, I did get better ones of other species honest! Anyway, any help welcomed. This is the first time in years I've been completely stumped, so no doubt it is something common I should know! The striations are certainly pretty distinctive.

Araminta's picture

maybe a Brush Wattlebird?



Thanks for the reply. I don't think so though. I've not seen them around Mildura before (it is supposed to be outside their range too), plus the Brush/Little Wattlebird is normally darker and this bird had a distinct eye stripe, and dark patch on the crown. It was probably also a little bit smaller than the Little Wattlebirds I've seen before (in Goolwa and more recently in Hobart).

---'s picture

an Australiasian Pipit,a young one maybe?

---'s picture

actually,another possibility is a Brown Songlark??

Owen1's picture

This is a Brown Treecreeper Nathan. Shape and stripes give it away.

Cheers, Owen.


Hmmmm. I recently saw some  Brown Songlarks (only dark males), I haven't seen a female, but in my books the female doesn't have the distinct striations seen on the bird in these photos. It is a good idea though, immature male maybe? I'll Google for pics.

I don't think it is a Pipet, head markins aren't right and it was a bit big.


OK, Googling for immature Brown Songlarks I came across a photo of a Brown Treecreeper. Looking at some more photos, they all have the really distinct striations, same shaped dark bill and slight eye-stripe, also the different markings under the tail. I did consider that, but didn't look quite like the ones in my books. Looking back at my book, I'd say a male from the nominate race.  I think that may be what it is, anyone agree?


Heh, sorry Owen I posted before I saw your comment. Thanks, I'm glad to see some confirmation!

It's a new species for me too, so that's great.

Woko's picture

I agree with Owen.

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