Brush Turkeys

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AnneBilson's picture
Brush Turkeys

I'm sure it must be happening all over Northern Sydney! I'm in a not particularly bushy part of Pennant Hills. The turkeys are here to stay! We sometimes have 7 in our yard. A few years ago we had the odd visit,but now they are here constantly. Don't know where their mound is, but they certainly are upsetting some of my neighbours! the elderly couple across the road are obsessedwith them and patrol the street trying to chase them away!Would be funny if not so mis-guided!

1wattlebird's picture

Other than my forty-something feathered friends being unhappy, I would love having Turkeys in my yard.

Tazrandus's picture

Aren't you lucky :) It's a shame that they don't get the welcome from the other residents. As long as the turkeys are not digging up their lawns they shouldn't be deserved to be chased off.


1wattlebird's picture

I could not agree more!

Owen1's picture

If I had a Brush Turkey in my yard I would let it do what it wanted. It would be nice to have one around.

Cheers, Owen.

cooee's picture

I agree with you owen. If the turkey was in my yard I would leave it alone.I sure hope that it comes to my area one day. I am not in Northern Sydney, but there is a reserve very close by and that could serve as a suitable habitat for the birds.

Owen1's picture

well I live in Melbournes so it'll never happen but I have seen these birds before and they would make great visitors except for maybe turning your garden into a Grand canyon!!!

Cheers, Owen.

birdie's picture

Ha ha ....we get them through our garden at times, and they are always nearby in the bush areas... I love them and their grunty little noises that freak me out when I am in the bush... I have been freaked many times thinking that there are a couple of men close by talking only to find it is a bush turkey chatting to himself!!! Anyway, they make a great rotary hoe and I hate it when kids etc are cruel and chase them .

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Owen1's picture

At O'Reilly's rainforest in Lamington there are heaps of Turkeys around the guest houses and they are such a great sight. My uncle tried to give it a little meat scrap and it bit his hand!

Cheers, Owen.

jandy_1's picture

We are on the Northern Beaches (North Narrabeen) and have had brush turkeys visiting several times over the years. However, recently we have had two very tiny babies at the bottom of our garden. Unfortunately they both appear to have met a nasty end by either currawongs or crows which unfortunately this year have moved into the neighbourhood. This is unusual and the first time in over 13 years that both crows and currawongs have been so prevalent; usually it is the noisy miners and the magpies, though the latter have moved on in the last couple of years. It is very upsetting not be able to protect these baby brush turkeys. Incidentally we have never been able to see where the mound is.

Woko's picture

AnneBilson, I guess your elderly neighbours find it hard to soar like eagles when they're surrounded by a bunch of brush turkeys! But how wonderful to have these birds as part of your landscape. Perhaps your neighbours could be introduced to this forum if they're into the internet! What do they have of value that the brush turkeys are threatening?

AnneBilson's picture

My neighbours are fastidious gardeners-you know the sort that can't bare to see a leaf on the ground! So the turkeys drive them into hysterics by digging and scratching everything up. The funniest thing Ive ever was seen was the female half of the marriage scooting a koala(yes, a koala) out of her yard with a broom ,as if it was a stray dog!Tut-tutting at it! Hilarious!(We live near a koala park and they sometimes make a break for it) So sorry about the baby turkeys,Jandy6.

Woko's picture

Hmmm. I'm not sure you'll change the attitude of the second half of the marriage very soon. Perhaps if she sees you enjoying your environment & all its treasures she might wonder why.

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