Lorikeets behaving badly

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birdie's picture
Lorikeets behaving badly

A few weeks ago I posted some pics of Rainbow Loris taking exception to a pair of Whipbirds in their territory.
Since then on two occasions I have witnessed other bullying behaviour by them in unusual situations. This morning I was walking past a patch of bush and there were several of them absolutely going off and chastising some poor creature. I couldn't make them out as they were in the tree behind the one I was standing under. I was about to walk off when I was suddenly buzzed at very low altitude by these little green fighter pilots and in their midst was a white faced heron who must have been up in same tree. ( I had heard a strange call that I didn't recognise) and they "escorted" it well away from their trees till it landed on a nearby TV aerial !!!
Yesterday, while in the forest being astounded by two Eastern Whipbirds and their beautiful calls and unbelievable visibility I found 3 Loris again taking exception to the presence of the EWBs. they were sooo cranky and giving them heaps from the higher branches. I wonder why they find the EWBs so annoying, or maybe it is just because the EWBs advertise their presence with such ferocity and beauty!!!!
Today however, I did notice that this pair of EWBs are much higher in the trees at times than I ever see others go. Maybe they have been encroaching on the Lori's "airspace" ..... :')

Araminta's picture

Hi birdie, I 've just come back from the local shops. The trees in there are full of Lorikeets.They were very "cranky" as you put it. At least 20 of them where attacking two unfotunate Galahs. I think, they are simply an aggressive bird.?


Mukkadilla's picture

We have lots of lorikeets at our place and they do get into lots of disagreements with other birds. I have seen them chased off by both galahs and butcher birds. They also have lots of fights with each other. I still think they are a great bird. You can't help but laugh at the antics they get up to. My favourite is when they do backstroke in the bird bath.

Tazrandus's picture

I've also seen these Lorikeets cause trouble with White-faced Herons in the past. It's odd that they only pick on particular birds and these particular birds they pick on don't really correlate to any feeding, nesting or predatory competition. Well I don't think there is with your whipbirds and heron. They seem to get along with the rest of the birds in my area.

Haha Nikko, good ol' backstroke in the birdbath. I also love it when they do a full roll on their backs as well.


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