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sue818's picture

Heading to Tassie for a few weeks soon and wondered if there were any tips for me. The trip is for the Devonport Motor Show so the car is most unsuitable for rough roads. So I can only visit places with good access for a sports car or on foot. Staying in Devonport, Stanley, Strahan, Hobart and Bicheno but only for a few nights each place.



dwatsonbb's picture

Hi Sue.

I guess you were expecting a local to provide some info. Well I am a local, but cant provide much info on the northern end of the state, and limited information on the south. I am here because 1. I love birds 2. I love looking at others pictures. Unfortunately don't get out to explore much, even my local area.

When travelling in Tassie, you can expext to see Forest Ravens on every road where there is road kill (unfortunately we are known as the road kill capitol of the world), so that may not be a problem. They are renowned for getting out of the way of fast moving vehicles and not moving far from the road edge, BUT stop for photo, and they are GONE in a flash.

Tasmanian Native hens (endemic) are also widespread and very common, again can be difficult to get close to.

In the south there is a wetland area called Gould's Lagoon, about 20 klm from Hobart, Granton/Austins Ferry area. Been once, not overly exciting, but if your travellng the Midland Highway, not for out of the way. You may have better luck than I!

Most of the towns/cities you mention are coastal, so expect to possibly see Pacific, Kelp and of course Silver Gulls. Along some of the coastal areas you may see Oyster Catchers (both Australian Pied and Sooty). Terns (sorry can't specify) are occassionally seen in close to shore. Short Tailed Shearwaters can also be viewed on water during the day, and returning/in burrows in the evening. There a several Little Penguin sites on the North West Coast. White bellied Sea Eagles are often seen around rocky shorelines as well as "upstream" in creek and rivers. Grey Goshawks (white morph) are als regularly seen around river type areas.

Again I apoligise for notbeing too specific, as I really am not that knowledgable. Google is possibly a better resource than I at this time. If I think of anything else,will try an PM you.

Not sure when your coming, I have been away for a couple of weeks, and this is my 1st chance to reply.

Only other advice - Avoid travelling too much after dusk, as you obviously has a car which is special to you, and if you do, slow downfrom dusk til dawn, in order to prevent damage to your good selves, your vehicleand of course the wildlife.

Hope you enjoy your stay in Tasmania.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

sue818's picture

Thanks Dale. Any suggestions are of help. We have been to Tasmania a number of times and quite lucky with the birds but sometimes local knowledge is the way to go. The car is my husband's baby (a Morgan) so I will be doing a lot of walking to find the birds. I have also been checking Eremaea for recent sightings. Will let you know how I do as we arrive in a couple of days


sue818's picture

Hi Dale,

Weather was awful for a lot of our time in Tassie but I managed a few gems. I will post pics later but found Hooded Plovers, Scarlet Robins, Fairy Terns, my first Flame Robin, Bassian Thrush, Ruddy Turnstones and Double-banded Plovers. The boardwalk along the Duck River in Smithton looked promising but after getting soaked through I abandoned that idea. Thanks for your suggestions.


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