What kind of parrot please?

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kathiemt's picture
What kind of parrot please?

I'm pretty sure these are a parrot of some kind. Taken at Lysterfield Lake Park in Victoria. I can't find them on the bird finder so am coming here for help.  They almost look like oversized budgies.  Thanks in advance. Kathie

Araminta's picture

Eastern Rosellas (White-cheeked Rosella complex)

They are very comon all around the Dandenongs .


kathiemt's picture

Thanks. I've not seen them anywhere else but at the lake and roam the ranges a lot.  Perhaps I should have searched on the word 'rosella' rather than parrot and I might have been able to find it. I did try the colours and size. I'll probably see them in lots of places now you mention it.

Selby, Victoria

clif2's picture

Nice photo Kathie, no matter how many times i see them they still make me say wow.



kathiemt's picture

Thanks Shane. There were 5 of them but I couldn't get a shot with all of them at once - this was the best of the shots I took.  The sun was still rising and hadn't reached them yet.

Selby, Victoria

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