When Cockattoo's attack

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rawshorty's picture
When Cockattoo's attack

Well i had the strangest sighting yesterday.

3 S C Cockatoo's chasing and swooping a Nankeen Kestrel. this went on for over 10 minutes.

I assume it was a dispute over a nesting hollow?

Pic not to good as they were way up high.

S C Cockatoo's attack Nankeen Kestrel-1747 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] S C Cockatoo's attack Nankeen Kestrel-1747 by rawshorty, on Flickr

Elsie's picture

thats very interesting shorty. Two weeks ago I heard the cockatoos making a big racket and went outside to see what was wrong. They were behind a tree and I could just see that they were chasing something big! When they came out from behind the tree I saw that they were chasing a very large Wedge-tailed eagle! I was rather amazedsmiley

Do you think that they could have been protecting their young?


Last year I saw a similar incident in the Sydney Botanic Gardens I was watching from Lady Macquaries. There were a group of cockatoos and noisy mynas chasing a large greyish bird quite high up. (I thought it particulary odd that mynas were that high)  The cockies chased it out over the harbour before giving up. 

Holly's picture

Raptors bring out the worst in the rest of the bird world! They are often met with a general warning by the local birds - and now with breeding all starting around the place, birds are extra antsy.


There could be a breeding site for the corellas nearby.



dwatsonbb's picture

Have seen White Bellied Sea Eagle with its catch harassed by Silver Gulls, to the point where it dropped the fish, and just flew away!

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

rawshorty's picture

It does seem the Raptors get picked on by everythingsad But even the Raptors get picked on by other Raptors, at my Wetlands the B S Kite attacks the W Kites, Swamp Harrier, Spotted Harrier and the P Falcons, but is happy to hover near the N Kestrel and leave him alone.

Holly.....Yes there are a lot of nesting going on at this location.

C Rossella

E Rossella

L Corrella

S C Cockatoo


Magpie Larks, and the list goes on.

I believe the Kestrels are looking for a suitable hollow as a lady i know observed and photographed them a couple of years ago at this spot. She has awesome shots from the mating to the young fledging.

Shorty......Canon gear



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