When Wedgetails attack

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GregL's picture
When Wedgetails attack


"Amazingly, the main threat to our drones is our wildlife, the wedge-tailed eagles just hate anything in their airspace so they’ll come and seek us out and try and knock us out

"Don’t want to say too specifically how many we lose but uh yes, it’s a constant problem, the eagles, they’re a beautiful creature, but uh, they hate drones."

Recently near me a wedgetail crashed through the windscreen of a light plane, nearly killed the pilot. I wonder if it crashed into the plane intentionally.

zosterops's picture

i've seen many near misses from planes being flown intentionally directly into the path of soaring raptors including eagles

'get out of my way nature' 

Woko's picture

My money is on eagles being shot down to make way for drones in the same way that River Red Gums & South Australian Blue Gums are being chopped down to make way for houses near where I live. Should one enter the air space above my property it may encounter the rock throwing practice which occurs from time to time in these parts.

zosterops's picture

in the netherlands eagles are being trained to take down unauthorised drones

Woko's picture


pacman's picture

zosterops wrote:

in the netherlands eagles are being trained to take down unauthorised drones

yes, I heard that on the radio news recently and thought that it was a great advancement


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