Grey Crowned babbler. Taken at Samford in Queensland.
Grey-crowned I would think, Reflex.
Definitely a Grey-crowned Babbler.
Beautiful photo
Nice bird in any case one I've never seen
Atraminta, Not uncommon around here but apparently not as common as it used to be. Sound familiar?
Thanks to everyone else for the identification.
I had it down to two out of the four babblers I had found that frequented SE Qld.
Samford Valley Qld.
Reflex here is a White-browed Babbler, once seen you will not mistake for Grey-crowned B
Ah ha! That makes sense now.
Look at the white eye brow sort of line on yours and the grey crown on mine. Many Thanks.
all good Reflex, that is why I like to add a pic to an ID, it often proves the old adage - a pic tells a 1000 words
Nice bird, definately got the babbler look. Outside my home range but would love to see one,one day.
Had problems uploading in Flickr to-day for some reason. Here's a couple more shots of the same bird. I was lucky to get these, talk about right place at the right time.
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Grey-crowned I would think, Reflex.
Definitely a Grey-crowned Babbler.
Beautiful photo
Nice bird in any case
one I've never seen
Atraminta, Not uncommon around here but apparently not as common as it used to be. Sound familiar?
Thanks to everyone else for the identification.
I had it down to two out of the four babblers I had found that frequented SE Qld.
Samford Valley Qld.
Reflex here is a White-browed Babbler, once seen you will not mistake for Grey-crowned B
Ah ha! That makes sense now.
Look at the white eye brow sort of line on yours and the grey crown on mine. Many Thanks.
Samford Valley Qld.
all good Reflex, that is why I like to add a pic to an ID, it often proves the old adage - a pic tells a 1000 words
Nice bird, definately got the babbler look. Outside my home range but would love to see one,one day.
Had problems uploading in Flickr to-day for some reason. Here's a couple more shots of the same bird. I was lucky to get these, talk about right place at the right time.
Samford Valley Qld.