White-browned Scrubwren

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Woko's picture
White-browned Scrubwren

It was a delight to record yet another new species, a White-browed Scrubwren, at our place late this afternoon. I was rather surprised to see this bird foraging among some closely planted shrubs near our house because whenever I've seen this species before it's been in much damper habitat, usually along creek lines. However, a bit of rapid research revealed that the habitat of the race maculatus within whose range we live is much drier mallee & saltbush country. With some good fortune we may have further visits from a White-browed Scrubwren.

Woko's picture

Another visit from a White-browsed Scrubwren yesterday. 

Greg Lee's picture

How many ways is it possible to misspell white-browed scrubwren? white-brewed, white-broad.

They are good birds for warning you when a snake or feral cat is around.

Woko's picture

I spelled it White-browsed because I happened to think of it when I was at my local bookshop. But White-browned is the product of my thick football fingers. 

Thanks for pointing out the errors of my spelling, breadandbutterc...

Greg Lee's picture

Hi Woko, Greg.L here, my details got changed when I had to log in from birdlife, I don't know how to change it.

Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't even noticed.

Woko's picture

Greg, thanks for pointing out that I was pointing out. I had no idea I was doing this!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave

When from the computer world there is no reprieve. 

dwatsonbb's picture

Hi Greg, if you click on your "Welcome (your user name appears here)" on the top right of the page, you should be able to edit your user name, back to Greg L or whatever you desire, It  appears that currently it is your email address, which may have been a bug in the changing of the site. Hope this helps.

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Monica's picture

Hi everyone,

I just followed this up with some of the team behind the new logins and you should be able to change your username still within this website as Dale pointed out, however, note that this will not change your details within the BirdLife system so you will still need to log into the site using those details. I'm not sure why your username changed to your email address, strange! Feel free to send me a PM if you still can't seem to fix this.



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