Yellow bellied Sunbird

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care4health's picture
Yellow bellied Sunbird

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this forum. I'm not a professional,  just a bird lover and love wildlife in general. I'm trying to capture the beautiful bird life in our tropical area.

Here's my first one, sorry it's a bit long, but if you fast forward towards the end, you'll see some amazing little cute baby sunbirds. :-)


Araminta's picture

O, that is beautiful Esther. I lovedheart watching your video, but I would have loved even more to have been there. How lucky are you? Well doneyes


Woko's picture

Nice one, Esther. A bit of nostalgia here. It was the yellow-bellied sunbird that inspired me to take up bird watching so you've brought back memories for me.

care4health's picture

Thanks you so much! I They are beautiful little birds, I hope they will come back this year and nest again on our balcony :-)

pacman's picture

Wow, a great video thank you


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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