Yellow wattlebird

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a's picture
Yellow wattlebird

I have several times seen what I have identified from Simpson and Day's Field Guide to the Birds of Australia as a Yellow Wattlebird.  This is in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria.  The bird is the same size and shape as the Red Wattlebird but has yellow wattles and is as Simpson and Day indicate "crown ...boldly streaked white".  Have there been any other sightings of this bird outside Tasmania?  Or am I mistaken?


Woko's picture

I note that the yellow wattlebird is significantly larger than the red wattlebird. There's something strange going on here. Do we have a vagrant, escapee, hybrid or what?

jandfpodger@big...'s picture

I will endeavour to get a photo which I'll post.  Trouble is the bird comes at different times and to different parts of the garden - birdbath, flowers.

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