A ? and a shrike-thrush?

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windshear's picture
A ? and a shrike-thrush?

I was out at Gold Creek Reservoir north-west of Brisbane, and I saw a couple of birds that I wasn't sure of - one I know I should know, but can't think of, the other, I'm a bit lost on.

Background on habitat - mostly dry forest, surrounding a large body of water. 

The first one - apologies for the quality, it was quite a long shot. (thus have been cropped)

Second one I thought it was a Shrike-Thrush of some kind, but that's a bit of a guess.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

timrp's picture

The first one is a Varied Sitella, race leucocephala (White Headed Sitella).

I think the second one is a Grey Shrike Thrush.

windshear's picture

Yep, agree on both counts Tim. Grey Shrike-thrush is the one I was thinking of, the white patch was throwing me for some reason, but having looked around, yep.


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