where are the New Hollands?

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Araminta's picture
where are the New Hollands?

I haven't seen many New Holland Honeyeaters this year. As always, I wonder if they will ever turn up? There has been the odd one fly in to have a look, I have heard young ones begging, but only in the bush behind us. So I had a look at some photos I took last year. Bingo, there might still be hope ? Those photos of Babies were taken early September. They will still turn upyesheart

Can't wait, here are some I took last September.

Woko's picture

Fear not, Araminta, the New Holland honeyeaters will be back. My observations of their numbers fluctuate widely from week to week, month to month.

In our part of the world dry conditions have affected a number of species' numbers over the last 12 months, mainly due to lower production of flowers, nectar, fruit & insects. E.g., we only have two silver eyes & one singing honeyeater about at present due to the Ruby Saltbush Enchylaena tomentosa not producing nearly as much fruit this year. At the same time last year there were about six silver eyes & four singing honeyeaters feasting on the largesse of these plants.

The same applies to butterfly numbers which are way, way down on last year almost certainly due to lower nectar & lower new leaf production.

Given that global warming is now with us it'll be interesting to observe the effects on numbers of various animal & plant species over a period of years.

narly's picture

they're all at my place


Araminta's picture

..... on my way Neilwink....just dreamingcrying


michael_1's picture

There are loads here (in Sydney). Any bit of Banksia comes with one.

Araminta's picture

Give them back Michael, they'd have to be minedevil


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