Morning all
Great bathing bird shots last week everyone, thank you to all who contributed. This week lets bring back another challenge - bird dominos! The idea is to match up feather colours from the previous bird and then also introduce a new colour. A couple of tweaks from last time though...
- When you post a photo, nominate up to 2 colours from the feathers of that bird (so for birds with many colours, just pick 2). If the bird has just one feather colour, just write that colour, if it has 2 colours, write both colours, if it has 3 or more - just select 2 colours.
- Write the names of the colour or colours you select along with the photo in CAPITALS (you dont have to write every colour). The next bird must match (and the poster must also nominate) one of those colours (plus another if there is another feather colour). E.g. house sparrow (brown) then a powerful owl (brown and white), then a silver gull (white and grey) then a black-faced cuckoo-shrike (grey and black)...
- The exact tone of the colour isn't needed (thats too hard), just the broad colour schemes are fine.
- Bird species can be posted more than once, but the same photo can't be.
- Each poster must wait 2 turns before taking part again.
Any clarifications - let me know
edited to clarify! Sorry all.
Well let me begin. Between royal spoonbills (Platalea regia), little egret (Egretta garzetta), darter (Anhinga melanogaster) and large egret (Egretta alba) - all lined up like dominoes, and all in traditional domino colours:
Black and White :)
Spotted Pardalote. White,( black yellow ) and ORANGE
Dusky Moorhen. Orange front plate and BLACK plumage.
Samford Valley Qld.
Black-shouldered Kite......Juvi, Black.
Buff/brown- white
Shorty......Canon gear
Yellow-throated Miner - white and yellow (I don't like grey & black)
Stunning photo Shorty.
Eastern Yellow Robin (I was waiting for Yellow!).. Predominantly yellow but has some grey and WHITE.
Samford Valley Qld.
Thanks, Rick. It was a good weekend with them
Shorty......Canon gear
Black-winged Stilt (juvenile) White and GREY
Nankeen Kestrel, White.
Shorty......Canon gear
Grey Fantail.White, Black and YELLOW.
Samford Valley Qld.
Striated Pardalote.... yellow - black -white and RED
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Juvenile Eastern Rosella. Red,green and BLUE.
Blue Faced Honeyeater.Blue,white,black and GREEN.
Samford Valley Qld.
Awesome shots everyone. Hate to be a party pooper
but I think we're supposed to nominate only up to two feather colours, one of the two nominated in the shot before, and a new one, not the whole colour range of the bird. At least that's how I understand this challenge. 
Anyhoo...Green Rosella, and I nominate GREEN or BLACK as the next connecting bird domino.
West Coast Tasmania
Female Australian King Parrot. I'll match you on green and nominate GREEN and RED.
Beautiful bird AnnieJ and I have to say Chris your copyright really does detract from the wonderful photo. justmyopinion.
Red-browed Finch
Shorty......Canon gear
Well, I don't want to be a "Party Pooper" either, as Annie said, but seeing we are applying strict rules here, there was a double post of "White" after I posted white and grey. I suggest to remove the second one.
Morning all
I think my instructions haven't come across clear - totally my fault!
If the bird only has one feather colour - nominate just the one colour (which of course is the same as the one before), if there are two colours - nominate both colours, if there are 3 or more, nominate just 2 of them... That way there is a bit of flexibility over the next option, just like dominoes. So you dont have to list every colour, just pick one (for a single colour), or 2 (for 2 or more colours) - and remember - its the ones in the feathers only (not beaks or legs).
I love that you all have been capitalising the colours that you have been nominating too!
Hope that helps
Lets pick up from this point forward with the above rules - rawshorty has nominated GREEN or GREY
Thanks Holly, but post 11 is still double.(White again, after I posted White and Grey)
Grey Butcherbird. Grey and WHITE.
Samford Valley Qld.
No worries ML
I dont think the post below your Black-winged stilt is a double - your photo had white and grey and rawshorty's kestrel had white, brown and black (of which of those 2 should have been nominated for the next person). There were 2 colours of feathers in your shot and rawshorty picked one of them (so if there are 2 colours in the bird's feathers' either of them can be used). Does that make sense?
There has been a bit of confusion in a few places yesterday so we are going forward with the rules as I have clarified them this morning. I am really sorry everyone! I obviously have not been caffienated well enough!
I don't think there is any double up ML, if you take out the additional colours it's actually flowed on pretty ok.
Little Egret - Black & White
Spotted Pardalote - Black & Orange
Dusky Moorhen - Black
Black-shouldered Kite - Black & White
Yellow-throated Miner - White & Yellow
EYR - Yellow & Grey
Black-winged Stilt - Grey & White
Nankeen Kestrel - White & Brown
Grey Fantail - White & Black
Striated Pardalote - Black & Red
Eastern Rosella - Red & Green
Blue-faced Honeyeater - Green and White
Green Rosella - Green & Black
Aus King Parrot - Green & Red
Red-browed Finch - Green or Grey
Grey Butcherbird - Grey or White
It doesn't have to be the last of the two colours nominated for the next shot, just one of the two.
edited to add Butcherbird
West Coast Tasmania
Totally my fault everyone, I did a bad job this week! Next time we do this one (if I am brave enough to run it again
) we will do full domino rules...
So we are up to GREY or WHITE
female Grey Shrike-Thrush - GREY or BROWN
West Coast Tasmania
So, I can do a male Gang Gang, Grey and Red
Lovely photos everyone!!
edit (Holly) - Elise I have removed your purple swamphen as the red wasn't feathers - we need RED or GREY feathers if you have something.
Hey Elise - it is feather colour only (not beak colour) so red wouldn't match. Do you have another bird with red feathers you can use?
Scarlet Honeyeater ... RED and BLACK
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Australian Magpie. Black and White.
Samford Valley Qld.
Crimson Chat- has black & red feathers
Oh! Sorry, I promise i'll read more carfully next time
Scarlet honeyeater RED and BLACK
Grey Fantail - Black and Grey
West Coast Tasmania
edi - Holly - Hey rawshorty - have a bird with grey in it you can put in here instead?
Shorty......Canon gear
OK I will assume the Kestrel say GREY and WHITE
Australian Ibis.
Black and White.
(PS AnnieJ. Has anyone ever told you that you have a really nice Fantail?)
Samford Valley Qld.
Yep, sorry. Even after reading the rules "revisited" i still stuffed up
Time for another coffee
Shorty......Canon gear
Magpie Lark
Shorty......Canon gear
I don't think anyone's told me I have a really nice anything for around 20 years or more Reflex,
so thanks
. Same same to some, but Fantails are one of my favs, such characters & cuties.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo: White or Yellow
West Coast Tasmania
Golden whistler - YELLOW and BLACK
Helmeted Honeyeater. Yellow and Black.
Elsie beat me to it by one second!
Don't worry, they are both Yellow and black
What a stunning photo M-L!
Flame Robin
Shorty......Canon gear
Double ORANGE (fruit and chest) and take your pick, say GREEN.
Rainbow Lorikeet.
Plenty of choice for colours here. Let's go for Purple and or Yellow.
Samford Valley Qld.
Purple Swamphen
Shorty......Canon gear
different shades of Purple and a bit of (blueish/) Green.
A male Common Bronzewing.
Allow me to propose a bit of a format to the wording. I reckon this might make it pretty clear how to play too :)
So, for the last 5 posts, beginning with the flame robin, we could post like this:
Flame robin - matches your black and I nominate BLACK and ORANGE.
Rainbow Lorikeet - matches your orange and I nominate ORANGE and GREEN.
Rainbow Lorikeet - matches your orange and I nominate PURPLE and YELLOW.
Purple swamp hen - matches your purple and I nominate PURPLE and BLACK.
Common bronzewing - matches your purple and I nominate PURPLE and GREEN.
Note the 2nd rainbow lorikeet matched on one colour (orange) then nominated 2 entirely different colours (purple and yellow, and that's fine). Note also, as Holly asked, all matches are on feather colours.
Phew. I hope that takes some of the confusion out of it (and I hope I understood it right!! :D )
And wow. What a collection of photos! Love the fox pic! :)